For the Record: K-Pop Fandoms and Digital Diasporas
by Het Nieuwe Instituut

This edition of For the Record looked into the interconnectivity of digital subcultures through the lens of K-pop and K-drama fandoms. K-pop, or the Hallyu wave, has solidified over the past two decades as an increasingly transnational popular phenomenon. The genre represents a resistance to both Western media as well as the conservatism of Korean traditional culture. On the basis of iconic K-pop videos, poet, essayist and editor Momtaza Mehri discussed the participation of young Eastern African women in K-pop culture, and how it reveals the interconnectedness of digital subcultures from the mid-2000s to now. Respondents were Natalie Nzeyimana and Juha van ‘t Zelfde.

Momtaza Mehri
Momtaza Mehri is a poet, essayist and meme archivist. She is the co-winner of the 2018 Brunel International African Poetry Prize. Her work has been widely anthologized, appearing in Granta, Artforum, Poetry International, Vogue and Real Life Mag. She is the Young People’s Laureate for London and columnist-in-residence at the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art's Open Space. Her chapbook Sugah Lump Prayer was published in 2017.
Juha van 't Zelfde
Natalie Nzeyimana
Shay Kreuger
Shayveca Kreuger, better known as Shay, is an all-round host, interviewer and media maker working in radio, television and theatre. She has worked at FunX (Fresh’n Up, later Morad & Shay), is known for her television documentary Letters from Poncho (Brieven van Poncho), and is responsible for part of the programming of For The Record at Het Nieuwe Instituut. She also works at Hogeschool Rotterdam as a study career coach and part-time teacher of business development. Since 2017, she has had her own show: SHAY! on NPO Radio 2.
Beneath the Stage with Beyoncé and Jay-Z - Wallpaper*
by Harriet Thorpe